Ultimate High Schooler's Guide to Programming!


6 min read

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In today's digital age, coding skills are more essential than ever. Embarking on the journey of learning programming as a high schooler is an exhilarating adventure. It's like stepping into a world where you can create, innovate, and bring your ideas to life.

The good news is that there are plenty of free resources available to high school students in Nepal who want to dive into the world of programming. In this guide, we'll not only show you the ropes but also ignite the spark that will make coding your passion.

Choosing Your First Programming Language:

Picture this – programming languages are like superhero suits; each unique, serving different purposes. Which one will you choose to be your coding alter ego?

Python: The Swiss Army Knife ️️

JavaScript: The Web Wizard ️

Scratch: The Creative Canvas

Java: The Powerhouse

Learning Resources:

Now that you've chosen your language, it's time to gather your learning arsenal. Let's explore some resources tailored for high schoolers:

Online Courses:

edx, coursera, harvard, stanford, cosognepal

  • Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a mix of free and paid courses.

  • Harvard's CS50: An introductory computer science course available for free online.

  • Stanford Online: Offers a variety of free online courses on computer science and programming.

  • UC Berkeley CS10: An introductory computer science course available for free online.

Interactive Tutorials:

  • Get hands-on with platforms like Codecademy and W3Schools.

    w3 schools and codecademy with cosognepal

    • Codecademy offers interactive tutorials for learning various programming languages.

    • W3Schools provides tutorials and references for a variety of programming languages and web technologies.


  • Dive into classics like "Head First Programming" and "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" for in-depth knowledge.

Coding Challenges:

  • Challenge yourself on platforms like HackerRank and LeetCode to strengthen your skills.

    • HackerRank offers a variety of coding challenges to help you practice and improve your skills.

    • LeetCode provides coding challenges and interview preparation resources for aspiring programmers.

Building Your First Project:

Time to put your newfound skills into action! Choose a project that sparks your interest:

Simple Games:

  • Create a classic like tic-tac-toe, rock-paper-scissor or challenge yourself with a text-based adventure.

  • To build a rock, paper, and scissor game in javascript, we recommend you to watch this video which goes in-depth


Interactive Websites:

  • Build a basic website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • You can take any website as an inspiration. For example, if you use Facebook day and night, you can build a Facebook clone, an Amazon cone or an Instagram clone, you just name it.

  • If you know the backend, build a system where you can post, you can edit the post, can comment; just like a real-world project. But if you don't have any knowledge of the backend, you can simply build the frontend part of the website.

Mobile Apps:

  • Dive into the world of mobile development using tools like App Inventor or Flutter.

  • Your first mobile application can be something very simple. An example of a simple enough mobile app is a timer.

  • It isn't important what your first project was or is, it is important that you've started your first step, you have build something that you can present.

Joining the Community:

Now that you've embarked on your coding journey, it's time to connect with fellow learners. Joining a community can provide support, motivation, and a space to share your experiences. Here are some avenues to explore:

  1. Local Coding Clubs:

    • Connect with coding clubs in your school or local community. Organizations like CoSoG Nepal host coding clubs where you can engage with like-minded peers.

    • Attend meetups, workshops, and events organized by these clubs. It's a fantastic opportunity to learn, collaborate, and expand your network.

  2. Online Forums:

    • Join online communities such as Reddit's r/learnprogramming. These forums are treasure troves of knowledge, where you can seek advice, share your progress, and learn from others' experiences.

    • Participate in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to the community. You'll find a diverse group of learners sharing their insights.

  3. Mentorship Programs:

    • Seek out mentorship programs within coding communities. Having a mentor can provide personalized guidance, encouragement, and valuable insights.

    • Platforms like CoSoG Nepal often facilitate mentorship programs. Don't hesitate to express your interest and take advantage of mentorship opportunities.

For reference, you can look up to Aashish Panthi's developer community. https://blog.aashish-panthi.com.np/my-best-community-experience

Staying Motivated:

Have faith dude.

Maintaining motivation throughout your coding journey is key to success. Here are some strategies to keep the fire burning:

  1. Set SMART Goals:

    • Define Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Whether it's completing a project, mastering a new concept, or participating in a coding competition, setting goals will keep you focused.
  2. Celebrate Your Progress:

    • Track your coding milestones and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Completing a challenging project, solving a complex problem, or even writing clean code are victories worth acknowledging.
  3. Find a Study Buddy:

    • Learning is more enjoyable when shared. Partnering with a friend who's also passionate about coding can make the journey fun and collaborative.

    • Work on projects together, discuss coding challenges, and motivate each other to stay on track.

  4. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help:

    • When facing challenges, reach out for support. Whether it's a coding issue or a moment of doubt, your coding community and online forums are there to assist.

    • Engage with mentors, fellow learners, and the broader community to overcome obstacles. Remember, asking for help is a strength, not a weakness.

As you progress on your coding adventure, remember that learning is a continuous process. Embrace the highs and lows, stay connected with your coding community, and keep the passion alive.

Lastly, we would like to include a master resource to learn computer science on your own which will provide you with the knowledge that a person with formal undegraduate might get. Happy coding!